Event Driven Architecture The Complete Guide - 강의노트

Udemy 강의 Event Driven Architecture - The Complete Guide 를 듣고 강의내용 정리

  • 이벤트 정의
    • The cornetstone of event driven architecture
    • require a well-defiend definition
    • evolved from other architectures
    • Microservices Communication
      • perhaps the most important part in microservices architecture
      • dictates performance, scalability, implementation and more
      • event driven architecture handles the communication part
    • Command and Query
      • Command
        • service asks another service to do something
        • there might be a reseponse to the command, usually a success or failure indicator
        • usually synchronous
        • somethimes return a response
        • calling service needs to know who handles the command

        Command service

      • Query
        • Retrieve data
        • Almost always synchronous
        • always return a response
        • calling service needs to know who handles the query
      • Problems with Command and Query
        • performance
          • synchronous, potential for performance hit
        • coupling
          • If the called service changes - the calling service has to change too
          • more work, more maintenance
        • scalability
          • the calling service calls a single instance of a service
          • if this instance is busy - there’s a performance hit
    • event
      • something happend
      • asynchronous
      • never returns a response
      • calling service has no idea who handles the event
    • contents of event
      • two types of event data
        • complete
          • contains all the relevant data
          • usually entity data
          • no additional data is required for the event processing
        • pointer
          • contains pointer to the complete data of the entity
          • complete data usually stored in a database
          • event handler needs to access the database to retrieve complete data
      • when to use which?
        • complete
          • the better approach
          • makes the event completely autonomous
          • can get out of the system boundaries
        • pointer
          • data is large
          • need to ensure data is up-to-date
  • 이벤트 기반 아키텍처의 기본 사항
    • a software architecture paradigm that uses events as the mean of communication between services
    • often called EDA
    • has three main components
    • producer
      • the component / service sending the event
      • offen called publisher
      • usually send event reporting something the componet done
      • ex. customer service → new customer added event
      • exact method of calling the channel depends on the channel
      • usually using a dedicated SDK developed by the channel vendor
      • utilizes some kind of network call, usually with specialized ports and proprietary protocal
      • RabbitMQ listens on port 5672 and uses the AMQP protocol
      • Producer can be developed using any development language
    • Channel
      • the most important component in the E.D.A
      • Reseponsible for distributing the events to the relevant parties
      • The channel places the event in a specializd queue, often called Topic or Fanout
      • Consumers listen to this queue and grab the event
      • Note
        • Implementation details vary wildly between channels
        • RabbitMQ works differently than kafka that works differently than webhooks
        • Always dive deep into the docs of the channel you’re using
        • we’ll use RabbitMQ and SignalR in the implementation section
      • the Channel distributes the event to the Consumers
      • The channel’s method of distribution varies between channels
      • Can be:
        • Queue:
        • Rest API call
        • Proprietary listener
    • consumer
      • the component that receives the event sent by the Producer and distributed by the Channel
      • Can be developed in any development language compatible with the Channel’s libraries
      • processed the event
      • sometimes - reports back when processing is complete (Ack)
      • consumer gets the event using either
        • push
        • pull
      • the method depends on the channel
    • Advantages of EDA
      • E.D.A has a lot of advantages over other architecture paradigms
      • As a quick refresher…
    • Problems with Command and Query
      • Performance
        • EDA is an asynchronous architecture
        • The Channel does not wait for response from consumer
        • No performance bottlenecks
      • Coupling
        • The producer sends events to the channel
        • the channel distributes events to topics / queues
        • both have no idea who’s listening to the event
        • no coupling
      • Scalability
        • Many consumers can listen to events from channel
        • More can be added as needed
        • Channel doesn’t care, producer doesn’t know
        • Fully scalable
    • EDA and Pub
      • EDA is often mentioned with Pub / Sub
      • Pub / Sub = Publish and Subscribe
      • A messaging pattern used by E.D.A
      • Main difference
        • EDA descibes the whole architecture of the system
        • Pub/Sub is a messaging pattern used by the system
    • Ordering in EDA
      • messaging engines often gurantee the order of the messages
      • with event driven architecture (especially with pub/sub) ordering is not always guranteed
      • ordering might be affected by consumer latency, code performance and more
      • If ordering is important,
        • RabbitMQ supports it
        • SignalR does not
    • Orchestration and Choreography
      • Orchestration
        • Flow of events in the system is determined by a central orchestrator
        • Orchestrator receives output from components and calls the next component in the flow
        • The next component send the output back to the orchestrator etc.
      • Choreography
        • No central “knowing all” component
        • Each component notifies about the status of events
        • Other components listen to the events and act accordingly
  • 이벤트 소싱 및 CQRS
    • Event Sourcing and CQRS
      • Event Driven Architecture is mainly about services
      • Event can be used as the basic building blocks of data too
      • Event Sourcing and CQRS offer a pattern to store data as events
    • Problems with Traditional DBs
      • Traditional databases hold data about current state of entity
      • There is no way to see historical data of entities
      • Data is a “snapshot” of a point int time
      • Especially problematic with…

    Problems with Traditional DBs

    • Event Sourcing
      • A data store pattern in which every change in the data is captured and saved
      • database stores list of changes for the entity, not the entity itself
      • No updates or deletes, just inserts
      • Every row documents a change in a property/ies of the entity
      • in this pattern, the database is called Event Store

      Event Sourcing1

      Event Sourcing2

      • Pros.
        • Extremely easy to view historical data
        • simple database structure
        • simple database operations (no updates, no concurrency)
        • very fast inserts
      • Cons.
        • viewing current entity state is cumbersome and slow
        • large database capacity (many records per entity)
        • CQRS to the Rescue!
    • CQRS stans for:
      • Command and Query Responsibility Serregation
      • separating the commands (updates/ inserts/ deletes) from the queries
      • each one of them in a seperate database
      • commands database is implemented as event store to improve performance and simplicity
      • Queries database stores entities
      • Database are synced using a central synchronization mechanism
    • CQRS
      • Pros
        • combines Event sourcing pros with traditional entity query
        • No performance hit when querying entities
      • Cons
        • Entity data is not updated in real-time
        • Difficult to set up and maintain
    • When to use event sourcing & CQRS
      • when access to historical data is extremely important
        • regulation, finance, healthcare
      • when data is large and replaying events is not feasible
      • when performance is critical (inserts or queries)
  • When to Use EDA
    • Scalability
      • Scalability is a non- issue in EDA
      • New consumers can be added as needed with no changes to the architecture
      • Great for fluctuating load
    • Asynchronous
      • if inter-service communication can be asynchronous, consider EDA
      • Remember: EDA is async by nature
      • Examples:
        • Send instructions to perform payment
        • write to log
      • check how many synchronous interactions there are
      • usually mainly queries
      • the more synchronous calls - the less EDA is relevant
    • Reliable Network
      • EDA utilizes a lot of traffic
      • Network shoud be reliable or performance will be slow
    • When not to Use EDA
      • EDA is not suitable for:
        • small systems with a few services
        • synchronous-oriented systems
          • ie. information system serving mainly queries from end users
  • stateless and stateful EDA
    • Stateless vs Stateful EDA
      • related to the consumer behavior
      • both are legitimate, but make sure to select the right one for your scenario
      • while the concepts are similar, the reasoning is different
      • with software architecture it’s often said that:
        • “stateful is bad”
      • there is not necessarily the case with EDA
    • stateless EDA
      • each event handled by a consumer is completely autonomous and is not related to past/ future events
      • should be used when the event is an independant unit with its own outcomes

      Stateless EDA

      • it doesn’t matter which consumer is handling the event
      • the outcome is always the same
      • should be used when each event is autonomous
      • note: has nothing to do with the question of what data is contained in the event and whether a call to a DB is required
    • Stateful EDA
      • events might be related to past / future events
      • should be used mainly for aggregators and time-related events
      • examples:
        • send an email if more than 5 failure events were received in a single minute
        • calculate the amount of orders submitted in an hour

      Stateful EDA

    • it’s extremely important which consumer handles the event
    • current state is stored in specific consumer(s)
    • should be used when events are part of a chain of events
    • Problems with Stateful EDA
      • stateful EDA presents some problems that should be taken care of
        • Load balancing
          • since the state is stored in a specific consumer, subsequent events must be routed to the same consumer
          • no load balancing is possible
        • Scalability
    • stateless vs stateful
      • rule of thumb:
        • use stateless EDA unless the business requirements force you to use stateful
  • 스트리밍
    • event streaming engines publish stream of events
      • telemetry from sensors, system logs etc
      • the events are published to a “stream”
      • consumers subscribe to specific stream
      • events are retained in a stream for a specified amount of time

      Event streaming

    • event streaming
      • consumers can retrieve events that were sent in the past (usually up to a few days)
      • streaming engine can be used as a central database
      • not all events are necessarily handled
      • usually used for events generated outside of the system
      • events are retained
      • not all events are handled
      • high load
    • when to use event streaming
      • when the system needs to handle stream of events from the outside
        • sensor data, logs, etc
      • when events should be retained for future use
      • when high load is expected
  • 로깅 및 모니터링
    • especially challenging in event driven architecture
    • in EDA there are distributed, non-coupled components
    • getting unified, chronologically ordered logs is difficult
      • each component writes log to different destination
      • log formats are different
      • timestamps are not synchronized
    • correlation id
      • handles the following problems:
        • timestamps not synced
        • different destination
        • many records, hard to trace
      • at the beginning of each transaction, a unique identifier is attached to the message
      • this identifier is logged as part of the log record
      • allows tracing across components

      Using Correlation Id in Logging

    • central logging engine
      • central engine used for aggregating all the log records
      • has converters that convert between log formats
      • great analytics and visualizations capabilities
      • can utilize the existing channel for log transport
    • implementing central logging engine
      • the elastic stack
    • what should be logged
      • logs should reflect the behavior of the system
      • shoud be able to replay a transaction using logs
      • event trigger
      • event contents
      • event receive
      • event handlig complete
  • Advanced Topics
    • Mixing EDA with Request / Response
      • Most EDA system are not pure EDA
      • Main reason:
        • UI Clients need responsiveness and use Web API to call the backend
      • If client only asks for data, EDA will probably won’t work
    • Synchronous EDA
      • EDA is asynchronous by nature
      • Normally the producer does not wait for a response to the event
      • Sometimes it does, as a separate event
      • Quite difficult to implement
      • EDA with Response
        • send the event
        • wait for the response event
        • wait some more
        • handle the return event in a separate code segment
      • To make the process easier you can create a wrapper around the producer
      • The wrapper expose a synchronous Web API
      • Calls the producer and performs all the dirty work of sending → wating → handling response

      Synchronous EDA

      • Not easy to implement
      • Do it only if you absolutely need a response from the event
      • Some channels (e.g. RabbitMQ) have built-in support for this
    • Events as Source of Truth
      • with traditional systems, the database holds the operational data and the events trigger actions in the system
      • with channels that retain events, the channel can function as the source of truth
      • Relevant only if:
        • events are retained
        • the channel has some kind of query language
        • main functionality of the system is around event streaming, no complex interactions
    • Implementing Events as Source of Truth
      • events are retained
      • has the KQL qeury language
      • designed for event streaming
    • The Saga Pattern
      • Transaction management in distributed system is difficult
      • No accepted, widely used solution
      • 2-phase commit protocal exists, but difficult to implement

      The Saga Pattern1

      • The sage pattern strive to solve this problem
      • A sequence of service- scoped transaction, triggerd by events
      • when a transaction fails, a compensating transaction is triggered

      The Saga Pattern2

      • Not easy to implement
      • Consistency is not ensured - compensating transaction can fail
      • quite difficult to debug
      • monitoring is important
      • when to use?
        • No need to strongly - coupled transactions
        • compensating transactions can be defined
    • EDA on the Front End
      • So far we discussed Event Driven Architecture in the back end
      • It can also be implemented on the front end
      • we won’t deep-dive into it, but raise awareness to it
      • Micro Frontends
        • the page is divided to separate, independent UI component
        • Each component has its own UI, functionality, backend etc.
        • Components communicate with each other using events
        • Implementing Micro Frontends
          • the components themselves are platform agnostic and can use any fronted framework
          • the inter-component communication is done using Browser Events and Custom Elements, supported by all major browsers
      • Push Notifications
        • Events that are sent to the browser from the server
        • As opposed to the more traditional Request/ Response model
        • Not exactly EDA but involves events in the clients
        • very useful for apps require streaming info from the server
        • quite a lot of libraries and frameworks:
          • SignalR
          • Socket.IO
          • gRPC
          • And more …
  • Implementing Event Driven Architecture
    • Events Approach
      • Two main approaches for implementing events:
        • events are retained
        • events are not retained
    • Retaining Events
      • The channel retains the event for future handling
      • a retention period is defined which after it expires - the event is removed
      • great for streaming events and when the channel is the source of truth
      • use a messaging / queue engine
        • RabbitMQ / Kafka
    • Not Retaining Events
      • the channel publishes the events and does not store them
      • if a consumer missed an event - it can’t be replayed
      • used mainly for in-system events
      • use an event publisher
      • specific engine depends on platform used, types of interfaces and more
      • let’s see some examples…
      • azure event grid
      • webhooks
        • a standard for publishing events using REST API
        • consumers subscribe to the webhook engine and register a REST API endpoint that will be called when an event occurs
        • the webhook will call the endpoints when event is triggered
        • easy to implement
        • supported by github, dropbox, paypal, stripe and more

      Webhooks Flow

    • HTTP Push Notification
      • send events from the server to client
      • great for chats, message notification and more
    • Implementing the producer
      • can be based on any platform
      • needs to be able to communicate with the channel
      • depends on the channel implementation
      • lets’ see some exampels…
      • RabbitMQ
      • SignalR
    • Implementing the consumer
      • can be based on any platform
      • needs to be able to communicate with the channel
      • depends on the channel implementation
      • let’s see some examples…
      • RabbitMQ
      • WebHooks
    • 실제 사례 연구
      • RabbitMQ 및 SignalR과 같은 엔진을 사용하여 이벤트 기반 아키텍처의 개념을 보여주고 향후 프로젝트의 템플릿으로 사용할 수 있는 완전한 기능을 갖춘 이벤트 기반 시스템을 구축
      • NOP - The NOise Processing system